
Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 15 Wrap Up

How far along? Finishing up 15 Weeks

Baby is the size of aNaval orange

Total weight gain/loss: Up 2.6 for the week, but down 17.8 total. I gained! I gained! I don't love that I gained so much in a week but I gained!!! My doctor was none to happy with me about not having gained at my appt on Tuesday. She was happy I hadn't lost and had maintained instead, but really wanted me to start gaining by then. Little did she know, I think I tricked her scales because I really had lost, but I also had a massive cupcake and a big glass of milk right before going into her office. 

Symptoms: Nothing really new this week. Honestly it was a pretty boring week as far as the pregnancy goes. 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Belly Button in or out? In, but as weird as it sounds my surgery scar inside my belly button has felt weird the past couple of weeks. Maybe it's stretching out or something?!

Sleep: Somewhat better, especially since the heartburn is under control, but still overall pretty awful compared to what it was a few weeks ago. I've been fighting off some "borderline strep throat" so that's had me up with sore throat and a tickling cough. I also just can't get comfortable. I seem to sleep best in the recliner, but I really don't want to have to do that for 4.5 months....

Food cravings: None really. Just happy to be eating again. Looking forward to getting back into Gourmet Guys this week and having dinners cooked at home instead of eating out so much. My budget is happy about that too!

Anything making you queasy or sick: I got sick at school on Friday and was sent home by our nurse. That was the day that I first woke up worried I had strep, and I tend to get sick when I have strep. The nurse thought it might be the nasty stomach bug going around. Fortunately I never got sick again once I was home. 

Miss anything? Sleep!!!

Happy, Moody, or Emotional most of the time: Emotional. I'm just a big bag of tears lately. Had a major melt down over the gender reveal party and plans for that weekend as a whole. Stress triggers me so easily now. Also lost it at the doctor when she couldn't find the baby's heartbeat for about 2 minutes. Fortunately baby was just hiding and all is well :)

Workouts: Tuesday and Thursday went well. I didn't go Saturday because I was at the doctor's office getting the whole strep situation checked out. A shot in the butt and an antibiotic later and I was good to go. 

The Bump:  39ish inches

Have you started to show yet: Yes, but it seems to fluctuate sizes! It freaks me out! Big one day, smaller the next. 

Stretch marks? Not yet. 

Maternity Clothes? I ordered my first ones this weekend. I needed a dress for a beach wedding at the end of October and some pink options to wear for the gender reveal. Pink Blush Maternity has really cute stuff for cheap, and Old Navy is always a good go to!

Gender Prediction: Still heavily leaning towards a girl. More people are starting to predict boy though! We find out in THREE WEEKS!!!

Any Names Picked Out Yet: Major meltdown in this department too. All I'll say is that all is well :)

Labor Signs: Yeah right

Movement: After talking to more people I've decided that yes, what I'm feeling really is the baby :) It's uncomfortable at times and kind of freaks me out, but it's nice to know baby is in there. 

Best moment this week: Getting the green light to go to Disney. JD had the wonderful idea to push the trip back to our anniversary weekend so that it wasn't as stressful with going to a wedding, Disney, and having the gender reveal party all in 3 days. Love that man. Logic vs. hormones. This time logic won :)
Looking forward to: Knowing baby's sex! It's killing me!! I don't know how people go without finding out!

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