
Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 17 Wrap Up

How far along? Finishing up 17 Weeks

Baby is the size of anTurnip/Onion. In my picture I don't have anything because the store was out of turnips, and I didn't see that another comparison was an onion until I had already gotten home. 

Total weight gain/loss: UP 1.8 for a total loss of 17.4. A gain! A gain! Hopefully my doctor is happy :) Although I have noticed my weight can fluctuate 3 lbs during one day...

Symptoms: My belly has been itching! I read that it's because the skin is stretching/growing as baby gets bigger. My beagle smell is still pretty super strong. Sent me running to the bathroom the other day :/

Wedding rings on or off? On, actually they're spinning from being quite loose!

Belly Button in or out? In, but not as deep! That surgery scar is definitely doing some weird stuff!

Sleep: The usual. Sleeping better, but waking up throughout the night. My hips have been hurting so I've started wrestling with pillows. Need to look into those special pregnant lady pillows maybe. 

Food cravings: Still lots and lots of sweets. Mainly Chick Fil A milkshakes :) I still indulge in pickles occasionally and always half a jar at a time. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just a few strong smells. I was tempted to ask one of my boys to go to the bathroom to wash off some of his cologne but I thought it might not be the best idea after all. 

Miss anything? Not really?

Happy, Moody, or Emotional most of the time: Emotional. I cry all. The. Time. Work's also been really rough lately which has me quite moody too. 

Workouts:  Tuesday I was running on 3 hours of sleep and lots of mental blah-ness thanks to work drama so I just got on the elliptical for 35 minutes. Plugged in my headphones and totally zoned out. Thursday was pretty standard. Saturday on the other hand was rough. It was really chilly Saturday morning and my lungs decided to rebel. I'm low on my inhaler so I'm only taking a quarter of my usual dose right now until mom can bring me another one. The cold air and the cardio did NOT mix well. 

The Bump:  39ish inches

Have you started to show yet: How funny that after last week's post my belly popped right out and has stayed out since! Definitely need to look into getting some bigger shirts. 

Stretch marks? Not yet. But the itching has made me start moisturizing more. 

Maternity Clothes? I need to get more but have to wait until my November budget. 

Gender Prediction: Girl, but getting more and more ok with a boy. Can't wait to have our ultrasound and our gender reveal next week!!!

Any Names Picked Out Yet: Yup! And after this week this question will be changed because WE WILL KNOW BABY's name!!! Blows. My. Mind. 

Labor Signs: Yeah right

Movement: So I just plain can't tell. Sometimes I'll think yes definitely, but other times I'll convince myself it was just bubbles moving. I think that until baby gives me a good swift kick I'm going to be doubtful. 

Best moment this week: Finding out that a sweet, sweet friend is having a girl! That means she will either have Baby D's best friend or his wife ;) And finding the perfect box for our gender reveal!
Looking forward to: Wednesday. SO ready to see Baby again! It's been 7 weeks! And maybe, just maybe, I'm a little excited to know if Baby is a boy or girl!!

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