
Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 20 Wrap Up

 No chalkboard this week! I decided that I couldn't pass up on the opportunity to get my 20 week picture at Disney World! The red button was for mine and JD's 2nd Anniversary. It's so fun having the cast members and random people in the park wishing you a happy anniversary all day. The yellow button on my belly was a 1st Visit button for baby Charlie :)

How far along? Finishing up 20 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Banana

Total weight gain/loss: UP .8lbs. YAY! If you look at my graph on My Fitness Pal it's pretty obvious that I've plateaued at this point. Oh well! Total loss = 17.6lbs I eat like a dadgum cow these days. I take a lunch box full of snacks with me to work each day and eat on it in addition to my regular lunch. For example, today at lunch I had chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, green beans, a fruit cup, and a chocolate cup cake. After lunch I ate a cup of yogurt, a cheese stick, and a cup of applesauce. The picture below is the rest of what I packed for snacks after already eating what I did. I never make it through the whole lunch box (thank goodness), but I like to give myself options ;) NOBODY can say that I'm not eating enough!


Symptoms: Heartburn! Ugh. My prescription ran out so I had to get it refilled and even being off of it a few days really messes with me. Emotional as mess. ZERO lung capacity (Thank God for Albuterol and Dulera). Peeing all the time. You know, the usual stuff.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Belly Button in or out? In, but not as deep! It's a little more shallow every week!

Sleep: Pretty good...once I started sleeping with 5 pillows again. My arms have started going numb when I sleep on my side which makes me roll onto my back (no matter how many pillows I sleep with). Then when I wake up on my back I have a major headache from the reduced blood flow and such I guess. I miss sleeping on my belly SO MUCH. Ugh it's the only way I'm comfortable. :(

Food cravings: Caramel Apple suckers, apple cider, and hot chocolate. Maybe those aren't pregnancy cravings so much as they are just my fall staples. The cooler weather has finally made it feel like fall in Valdosta!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Oddly enough I got SO sick on Saturday morning! NOT the morning that I really wanted to be hugging the toilet. I was going to Disney World! Nothing was going to keep me from it! Honestly I think I just let myself get too hungry. We ate around 6pm the night before and I didn't eat much because I wasn't hungry at the time. I went to bed hungry and woke up famished. I just have to remember to keep eating something every little bit. As long as I do that I'm never nauseous.

Miss anything? I'm sure I did, but I can't think of it right now. Oh yeah, I just said sleeping on my tummy. So there's that. OH! And I'm a fan of all of those Bud Ligh -ritas. My favorite is the Mango-rita, but I've noticed that they came out with an Apple-rita. This chick doesn't care for anything pumpkin but I'll eat/drink anything apple flavored. So yeah, I'm the preggo that's missing be able to drink right now. I'm sure that sounds awful.... No shame.

Happy, Moody, or Emotional most of the time: SO emotional. TOTAL breakdown at work. Cried the whole Disney trip because "JD! Wishes really do come true if you just believe!!!!" and that new Garth Brooks song. DANG. I cried over TV shows. I cried over stories on the radio. I cried over Facebook. You name it I probably cried about it this week. 

Workouts:  Good stuff. Tuesday I hit the 20 week mark and did my hardest workout yet! Body weight squats, and new kind of shoulder press, modified step out burpees with a step up combo, two handed rows, and time on the elliptical. I felt AMAZING afterwards and was so proud of myself! Thursday Billy was gone so I made my own workout combination up of some of my more standard moves. Saturday we were in Disney and didn't workout, but I did carry my book bag the whole time and an average day in Disney usually = about 6 miles of walking. I'll call that a workout any day :)

The Bump:  40ish inches

Have you started to show yet?: Um do you see that picture of me at Disney??? Charlie is making his presence very well known!

Stretch marks? No stretch marks, but the veins are certainly showing up more and more. Road maps I tell you. Road maps.

Maternity Clothes? Still haven't gotten anything new. I need to hunt down a nice dress to be able to wear to The Fox over Thanksgiving break. I'll probably order some more stuff this week too. I'm still accepting any donations that friends might have ;)

Gender: Boy, oh boy! I'm still having a hard time getting excited about boys clothes. Like, a REALLY hard time. T-shirts and gym shorts all the time is NOT ok with me. Ugh it was so disappointing seeing the extremely limited selection for little boys compared to little girls at both Disney World and BuyBuyBaby. Y'all need to help me get excited here...........

Any Names Picked Out Yet: My little Charlie :) We still call him Charles or Charles David half the time, but Charlie it is.

Labor Signs: Yeah right

Movement: Oh. My. Goodness. This might be up there for best moment of the week. He is moving SO much. Like HELLO CHARLIE! He has finally woken up and is quite the wiggle worm! It made my hart so happy to feel him while we were at Disney. He kept giving me nudges while we were eating at Be Our Guest and all through the fireworks. I've come to expect to feel him at certain times of the day too. I also thought it was hilarious that whenever I would sit a certain way in the car he would start nudging me. JD says he thinks it's because I was squishing Charlie and he was just letting me know he didn't appreciate it very much :) I also think JD might have been just a little jealous of me feeling him! I would tell him whenever he was moving and he just seemed like he wanted that "connection" too.

Best moment this week: Best moment for me?? Disney. Hands down. Getting to share that special day with JD was so special. I absolutely loved it and it was one of my best Disney days ever. We never waited in a line for more than 40 minutes and that was without a FastPass! 

My best moment for my little family/pregnancy was finally deciding on and buying a crib. I know JD was not thrilled to come straight home from Disney and run to the store to buy it. He was even less excited about having to set it up that night. But it was fun to work on it together and see him get excited and involved. I think we rearranged the nursery about 8 times trying to decide on layout and furniture placement and such, but we finally got it how I want it. Now to just get my chair ordered and set it up! 

That was a pretty great moment too... We went to BuyBuyBaby while in Orlando and after sitting in at least 15 chairs I finally picked the one that I want :)

Looking forward to: JD being able to feel Charlie kick from the outside :)

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