
Monday, December 29, 2014

Week 27 Wrap Up

How far along? Finishing up 27 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: ... A head of cauliflower. I'm over taking pictures with the different food items. It's been a waste of money. Lame. 

Total weight gain/loss: I never remembered to weigh last Monday because it was a crazy busy day. So this week it's actually a gain of 1.2lbs over 2 weeks for a total loss of 10lbs from my starting weight. I knew I should have had more lasagna... 

Symptoms: Majorly nesting. Round Ligament pain. I was also really sleepy this week. Maybe just because I'm off of work and have been lazy, or maybe because I'm growing a human. Either way, I've been taking tons of naps and it's been glorious. I'm also experiencing what I can only figure to be the lovely Carpal Tunnel Syndrome... UGH. Earlier in the week my right thumb was hurting for no apparent reason (no injury or anything). Then later in the week it was the left. Last night my right thumb SCREAMED before bed and especially in the middle of the night. It hurt most of the day today and screamed a few times if I strained it too much. Maybe it's an actual thumb strain/sprain/whatever. Who knows... I'm wearing this snazzy brace in the mean time. Apparently sleeping in wrist braces is just part of the standard pregnancy fashion statement for many women. Joy. 

Wedding rings on or off? On, but swelling has me taking them off after long days. 

Belly Button in or out? In, but shallow. It really hasn't changed much lately.

Sleep: Typical for having been in Atlanta. Glad to be back home. I'm definitely full out in the phase of waking up at least 3 times a night.

Food cravings: Nothing really jumped out at me. I got really tired of eating big meals though, especially breakfast. I am not a big breakfast person and usually don't eat until I've been up 2-3 hours so I have a hard time doing the whole big family breakfast thing. But it's the holidays and the holidays mean eating, so we ate... A lot. I do wish I'd had more servings of Momma's lasagna though... :(

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not overly. Sometimes chicken can still be iffy, but it's not bad. 

Miss anything? Wine. I don't even care if that sounds bad. JD had a glass of red wine one night and it smelled SO good... Even though I don't like reds! I told him he should have sworn off wine for 9 months as a show of support. He promptly raised his glass and said "I support you!"

Happy, Moody, or Emotional most of the time: Happy! It was Christmas week! There was lots to be happy about :) 

Workouts: ... If getting up to walk to the bathroom or walking up and down stairs (which aren't common in Valdosta) count as a workout then I worked out a lot... If they don't count then I worked out ZERO!

The Bump: 

Have you started to show yet?: Yup. I'm pretty sure I could delete this question, or really half of these questions from this point out...

Stretch marks? No new ones.

Maternity Clothes? I got several tops and two new pairs of jeans for Christmas :)

Gender: BOY! Circumcision care was a topic of discussion at the dinner table one night this week... 😳 Add that to the list of things I still don't know if I'm ready to handle!

Any Names Picked Out Yet: Charlie! Karen also decided on her name this week, so we finally have all of the grandparent names picked out. My parents will be Mimi and G Daddy. JD's parents will be Grandpa and Gigi. 

Labor Signs: Nothing really this week.

Movement: Enough to make me gasp out loud at dinner one night! I'm pretty sure I felt him completely roll over. I still feel 90% of his movement on my left side and very little in the middle or on the right. He's been head down in every scan we've had since 18 weeks so that's positive. 

Best moment this week: JD's family hosted a shower of sorts for us. Since its 500 miles round trip every time we come home we didn't really want to have to make too many extra trips up if it wasn't necessary. Everyone was already together for Christmas lunch, so we just played a few games and did gifts at the same time. Our moms chipped in and split the cost of our car seat/stroller. I'm so happy to have that out of the way! JDs cousin also made us a SUPER cute diaper tricycle! We have certainly already gotten a glimpse of just how loved Charlie is already :)

When we got home some nesting kicked in and I cleaned out and reorganized our bedroom closet. JD spent that hour and a half assembling the stroller, reading the instruction manual, telling me about every single feature on the stroller, and then giddily pushing a Cabbage Patch doll around the house going on and on about how in 3 months there would be a REAL baby in there! Needless to say, he's going to be an excellent daddy, and he's just a *little* bit excited :)

Looking forward to: Getting my gestational diabetes appointment out of the way this Wednesday. Our goal is also to finish the nursery and several projects around the house this week. It's the last week that JD will be home during the week before starting his new job, and I'll be home too, so we figure it's the perfect opportunity to knock out as much as we can. 

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