
Monday, January 5, 2015

Week 28 Wrap Up

How far along? Finishing up 28 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: ... I have no idea and I'm too tired to care or look it up. I'll find out his "weight" tomorrow.

Total weight gain/loss: Up 2.4lbs. At my 28 week appointment my doctor made the comment that I was only 2-3lbs off from my starting weight. I then remembered that she started tracking my weight at 5 weeks where as I started tracking it at conception. So if it makes her feel good to say I'm now back at my starting weight then yay! But according to my tracking I'm still down a total of 7.6lbs.

Symptoms: Majorly nesting. As in vacumming and dusting are now an almost daily thing. I've always been anal about wiping down the kitchen counters daily, if not multiple times a day. Now it's just expanded to other parts of the house. We were "just touching up some paint" in the nursery... which turned into a two day project of dusting, scrubbing, and touching up all of the baseboards, trim, doors, and cabinets in the house, as well as scrubbing and touching up all of the walls in the nursery. I also found it to be imperative that we reseal the caulk around the window in the nursery (Caulk guns! I can use them now! I learned!) We also had to clean out / rearrange the entire garage and attic... for the second time this pregnancy. I was so anal about it that I got out the broom and swept it out, even after JD used the leaf blower to blow off the floors. All in all it was a very busy week of completing "projects" around the house. Another carload was even taken to Goodwill (I think now our 4th since the beginning of the pregnancy...). I have ZERO sentimental attachment to anything. JD is taking advantage of this :)

Wedding rings on or off? On, but swelling has me taking them off after long days. 

Belly Button in or out? It's borderline flat... TOO weird.

Sleep: Rough. Many late nights due to football games and projects. Then poor sleep once I could get to sleep. Heartburn is a witch! Tums are like candy... on top of my daily 40mg of Omeprazole! And the crazy dreams. And the peeing. And the insomnia. Waking up between 330 and 430 is pretty common. UGH. I hate it. OH and you can all stop with the "get all the sleep now while you can" comments. They aren't cute. They aren't funny. And they certainly aren't helpful.

Food cravings: Dairy. But it gives me wicked heartburn... so that sucks.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!

Miss anything? Sleeping on my belly. Or heck, sleeping in general. 

Happy, Moody, or Emotional most of the time: All of the above. I was super stressed but also excited and happy and fussy all at the same time. Finishing the nursery took everything out of me. I might have snapped a few times... As always I THANK GOD for that amazingly patient husband of mine. I've said all along that Charlie has eaten whatever little bit of filter and patience that I had before I was pregnant. JD must have picked up some extra somewhere :)

Workouts: Meh. Tuesday was a "get back in the routine" kind of day. Thursday we had off because Billy was sick. I'm thankful too because I hadn't been sleeping well and was able to get a lot done in the nursery instead. Billy was still sick on Saturday and I was puny tired. I just did a mediocre workout, but at least I worked out :)

The Bump: Just over 42 inches. Bending over is starting to get... challenging. And if I try to sit "criss cross applesauce" I have to lean back. He's pretty smushed when I sit up straight. And I officially can't see my toes without leaning forward. This is really happening. AND HE'S ONLY GOING TO GET BIGGER!!!!

Have you started to show yet?: Apparently not seeing me for 2 weeks made a difference at work today. LOTS of belly comments and belly rubs (everyone asked before hand though.) One of the custodians even said I looked like I swallowed a pumpkin! Thanks girl :)

*SIDE NOTE* What in the world am I supposed to do with my hands when people are rubbing my belly???

Stretch marks? No new ones.

Maternity Clothes? Here's the great thing about current fashion... The big baggy tops and such are popular. This means that I can wear stuff that isn't maternity and it still fit, or I can wear my cute maternity stuff after I'm pregnant and get more use out of it. It's a win win situation :)

Gender: BOY! The lights in my car WILL be staying on pink though. I have to hold on to my girly side!

Any Names Picked Out Yet: Charlie!

Labor Signs: A Braxton Hicks hit me pretty hard walking through Walmart the other night. Not painful... but strange enough to make me bust out my pregnancy swag (Thanks Megan!)

Movement: This kid never sleeps. OK that's not true... but I'm not looking forward to what this might indicate his activity level is like once he's out of there!

Best moment this week: We finished the nursery :) I still have a couple of canvases to finish painting, but I'd say it's 95% finished! There's a sneak peak of one of the walls on my FB. I'm waiting to do the "big reveal" once my chair comes in and I get the canvases painted. It's AMAZING. I'm SOOOOOOO pleased! AND JD made me the most beautiful dream shelves ever!

Looking forward to: Seeing Charlie for another hour tomorrow. We have a follow up appointment and repeat of my fetal echocardiogram and level 2 ultrasound just to continue monitoring the stuff we saw earlier. I have to go by myself now that JD has started his new job, but I'm not worried. Jesus loves this baby boy more than I ever could and I know that everything is going to be perfect!

Note the location change of this countdown... It's now located in his nursery! I'm going to paint the frame later to match his room and then use the chalkboard for all kinds of fun things :)

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